Jeffry Gayman and Masayuki Ueno, 2021. Questioning current issues in the higher education sector for Japan’s Ainu People In Peter J.Anderson, Koji Maeda, Zane M. Diamond and Chizu Satou (Eds) Post Imperial Perspectives on Indigenous Education: Lessons from Japan and Australia. London: Routledge, pp. 169-185.
Gayman, Jeff, 2021. Challenges Surrounding Education and Transmission of Ainu Indigenous Ecological Knowledge in Japan: Disparate Valuations of a People and their IEK. In Shonil Bhagwat and Thomas Thornton (Eds) Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global Themes and Practice. London: Routledge, pp.136-145.
Kanako Uzawa and Jeff Gayman, 2020. Japan. In Dwayne Mamo (Ed). The Indigenous World 2020, 34th Edition. Copenhagen: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, pp. 267-273.
Tsuyoshi Hirata, Ryūkichi Ogawa, Yuji Shimizu, Tsugio Kuzuno and Jeff Gayman, 2020. Paradoxes and Prospects of Repatriation to the Ainu: Historical Background, Contemporary Struggles, and Visions for the Future. In Cressida Fforde, Honor Keeler and Tim McKeown, Eds, The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew. Pp. 238-258. London: Routledge.
Jeff Gayman(監修)The Spirit of Huci: Four Seasons of an Ainu Woman (計良智子著 『アイヌの四季:フチの伝える心』)。札幌:寿郎社
Gayman, Jeff (2018). Ainu Puri: Content and Praxis of an Indigenous Philosophy of a Northern People. In John Petrovic and Roxanne Mitchell (eds), Indigenous Philosophies of Education Around the World, pp.211-227. London: Routledge.
Uemura, Hideaki and Jeffry Gayman (2018). Rethinking Japan’s Constitution from the Perspective of the Ainu and Ryūkyū Peoples. Special Issue of The Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus. 16(5), March 1, 2018. Online.
Jeff Gayman (2016) (書評) Beyond Ainu Studies: Changing Academic and Public Policies. Mark Hudson, ann-elise lewallen, Mark Watson, eds. Japan Forum, 27(4), pp.563-566. School of Oriental and Asian Studies: University of London.
Gayman, Jeffry (2015). Breaking through Impasses in the Ainu Rights Recovery Movement: A Case Study of one Transformational Activist-Disciple Relationship. Senri Ethnological Studies. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
American Anthropological Association, Native American and Indigenous Studies Association