2022年03月01日 おしらせ
(教育学研究院・学院 教員有志)
<Urgent Message>
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine cannot be justified on any grounds. We stand in solidarity with the innocent people of Ukraine, whose sovereignty and right to live in peace have been infringed upon. Russia will be guilty of crimes against humanity if it engages in the inhumane and outrage act of using nuclear weapons. The international community has learned from the horrors of the two world wars and continues to strive to build peace. We sincerely hope that Russia as a member of this global society will regain its sense of reason and that Russia, together with its fellow peers who always wish for peace and the well-being of the people even in difficult situations, will not now forfeit its reputation in the international community.
( Individuals from the Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education )
総長メッセージ https://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/2022/02/post-1000.html