Susan Shu-Chin Chen博士からのコメント
- 投稿日: センター日記
10月に当センター(発達心理学研究室/加藤弘通准教授)を訪れ、市内の幼稚園・小学校の視察や研究交流会を行った、台中教育大学(台湾)のSusan Shu-Chin Chen博士から、訪問を終えて次のようなコメントをいただきました。
A Rewarding Journey in Sapporo
We are 27 early childhood education teacher educators and practitioners, who come from Taiwan and leaded by Dr. Susan Shu-Chin Chen, associate professor National Taichung University of Education. With the kind assistance of Professor Hiromichi Kato and Dr. Marcruz Wong, Hokkaido University, we visited five educational institutes in Sapporo from 28 to 30 October. These institutes include Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University, the affiliate Elementary school of Hokkaido University of Education, and three characteristic kindergartens, namely Hoshinoko Kindergarten, Fuji Kindergarten, and Yusuke Kindergarten. We learned the true meaning of free play from the observations in these three outstanding kindergartens. The exchange forum was hosted by Professor Kato and his graduate students in the afternoon on 28 October. Through professor Takahashi and Mr. Oikawa’s presentation, we got to understand early childhood education and teacher preparation in Japan. We also shared the current status of early childhood education and curriculum in Taiwan. We would like to send our greatest gratitude to professor Kato, Takahashi and all the kindergartens that we visited. It was a fruitful and informative journey to be in Sapporo.
Dr. Susan Shu-Chin Chen