Carrie Lee Ho博士からのコメント
- 投稿日: センター日記
当センター(発達心理学研究室/加藤弘通准教授)に約1週間滞在されていたCarrie Lee Ho博士より、訪問を終え、次のようなコメントをいただきました。
It was truly my honour to be invited by Dr. Katou, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University, as a Visiting Scholar at the Research and Clinical Centre for Child Development for a week during 30 September to 4 October, 2019.
The Research Centre conducts a wide range of useful and meaning research from Education to Sociology and Psychology. I particularly appreciate the bullying and the early childhood education related projects. I was amazed by the intellectual exchange with Dr. Katou, Dr. Kawata, and their thoughtful PhD students through my lecture on well-being teaching and learning with a drama workshop. I also enjoyed the academic writing clinic where the PhD students shared their research journal articles with me for international journal publications. Last but not the least, I was touched when visiting the two Japanese kindergartens (Hoshinoko Kindergarten 星の子幼稚園and Fujiyou 藤学園) and the two elementary schools (Sapporo Shiritsu Kiyota Elementary School 札幌市立清田小学校and Okurayama Elementary School 札幌市立大倉山小学校) as they are all working on with different levels of inclusive education. Special thanks to the Music Teacher in Sapporo Shiritsu Kiyota Elementary School where I have the opportunity to learn about how Japanese folk music can be used in elementary school to promote not only Japanese culture heritage but also as a tool to encourage literacy and expression.
Although a week was short, I have established a strong collection with the Research Centre through this visit. We will start to develop research collaboration, journal publications, and PhD student exchanges in the near future.
Once again, thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity for me to get to know the Japanese education system and with the PhD students’ research projects. I am looking forward to the coming collaboration with the Research Centre.
Dr. Ho Ka Lee Carrie