マカオ・University of Saint Josephより、Carrie Lee Ho博士が来られています
- 投稿日: センター日記
University of Saint Joseph, MacauのCarrie Lee Ho博士が9月30日ー10月5日まで、センターの兼任教員・加藤弘通准教授の発達心理学研究室に滞在します。彼女の専門はドラマ教育です。市内の幼稚園と小学校を視察しつつ、10月3日(木)に以下のワークショップを開催する予定です。
Searching for an Aesthetic Pathway:
Well-being Pedagogy for Positive Changes in Teaching and Learning
問い合わせ:加藤 弘通 katou(a)edu.hokudai.ac.jp *(a)を@に変えてくださいDr. Carrie Lee Ho will stay in the Laboratory of Developmental Psychology for one week to visit and observe the practice of Japanese
elementary school and kindergarten. Her major is drama education. She will also make a workshop on 3rd, Oct evening for us.Theme: Searching for an Aesthetic Pathway: Well-being Pedagogy for Positive Changes in Teaching and Learning.
Date : From 5:30-7:00pm on 3rd October.
Venue : Research and Child Care Center, Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University