
インターンシップを終えて(Nawal Benzaouiaさんコメント )

投稿日: センター日記

フランス国立特別支援教育高等研究所からインターンシップで来ていた、Nawal Benzaouia(ナワール・ベンザウィア)さんが、当センターでの約2カ月半の滞在を終え、下記コメントを寄せてくださいました。

Being an internship student in the Department of Education with Kato associate professor was an honor for me.
I had the opportunity to learn about Japanese culture and to do my research in a good way.
I made a lot of  connection for my accessibility project and I had the chance to share my research and my skills in the topic of accessibility and disability with the undergraduate student of several universities in Japan.
Being a part of the education department means learning, sharing and understand more.

It’s been 5 days that I am in France and now I feel like I completely achieve my missions and learn more than I except.

Again, thank Hokkaido university and especially to Kato sensei and Yu-Namioka. ”

Kind regards,
Nawal Benzaouia