Hokkaido University Faculty of Education/Graduate School

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Lifelong Learning

Youth Education

Research Subjects

Study on adolescence from various educational practices

Research Group Overview

Problems arising during the transition from childhood to adulthood have become pronounced. This has resulted in the implementation of pedagogical studies on young people and adolescence in various fields, from various viewpoints and through a variety of approaches. In particular, the transition from school to work highlights the roles of school education (including universities), vocational training/education and the business community. As we confront the problems of youth exclusion from the labor market and from their family, their poverty and social isolation, efforts are under way to examine and reform social systems and address these problems through the implementation of various measures in local communities. With these trends in mind, this research group covers the following subjects: (1) exploration of self-identity development in adolescence based on practical studies, with a particular focus on youth interactions with others in collaborative relations; and (2) societal and historical studies on young people and adolescence, public interest in them and ideal educational views on them.


Associate Professor    TSUJI, Tomoko

This research group’s fundamental focus is on the transition from childhood to adulthood in light of societal and historical perspectives. More specifically, the group explores the following three topics: (1) responses to contemporary youth problems through a cross-cutting approach to related fields (e.g., education, labor and welfare); (2) examination of youth problems in light of specific measures implemented in local communities; and (3) re-examination of youth problems at the margin of society, such as youth problems in provincial areas and those involving women and gender. With these in mind, the group members are currently engaged in the following two research activities: (1) study on changes in local communities, and the history and present situation of young people and youth groups; and (2) study on the history and present situation of labor, social and educational systems to support young people in unstable employment. In the first study, we specifically highlight the lives, careers and social activities of young people in local youth groups (known as seinendan in Japan) across Japan and in the communities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, as well as practical youth education and youth work. At present, we are recording changes in the communities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, demographics of youth groups in the communities and the present situation of young people in municipalities across Hokkaido. In the second study, we specifically illustrate historical developments (in employment, education and social activities) among female workers in the textile industry, education for young workers, and relationships among various types of part-time high schools/junior colleges, private enterprises and local communities. Through these studies, we seek to clarify the development of self-identity of young people in their transition to adulthood and to elucidate practical conditions supporting this development.
