Hokkaido University Faculty of Education/Graduate School

Undergraduate Schools


Build a Wide Field of Vision

The whole university education courses starting soon after admission, consists of following foundation subjects.

General Education Practice(freshman seminar)

It is aim to have the newly enrolled students think about a problem “what is university, what is learning” through concrete experience.

General Subjects

About a problem beyond the field of study, the teacher beyond a specialty cooperates to perform lectures.

Subject by Theme

A lot of lectures are in each of the five fields “Language thought”, “Historical perspective”, “Art and literature”, “Social recognition”, and “World of science and technology”.

Common Subject

In the field where any kind of specialty is needed to being common to, classes such as “Physical Education”, “Information science”, “Statistics”, “internship” etc will be offered.

Foreign Language Training Courses

Students learn English and another foreign language (German, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean).

Basic Subjects

For freshman in liberal arts, “Fundamentals of the Humanities,” “Fundamentals of Social Science” will be offered.


Fundamental learning for educational studies

The specialized subject starts from second year. The goal of the second year is that each one discovers own direction.  Therefore, all students take the lecture series of “Science of Education” to learn the fundamental knowledge of educational studies. They also take variety of lectures and practicums as elective compulsory subjects.

In parallel, students take “Pro-Seminar of Education”. Here, students encounter the researches in the department of education and learn the bases of educational research.

The seminar starts in the second term. In the “Seminar I”, students learn the fundamental methods in the field of their interest.

Explore the own interest in “Seminar”

One of the greatest characteristics of the School of Education is the seminar-centered education in small groups. Here, students explore their interest and learn the research methods. At the beginning of the 3rd year, students choose a “Seminar”, and deepen their research theme and learn research methods for their graduate thesis. In parallel, they take lectures and practicums in the field of their interest.

The graduate thesis as the final product of learning

Students continue to take “Seminar” to deepen own research theme and compose their graduate thesis as the final product of four years of learning.

We expect students to study education as a human science and contribute to the realization of a peaceful world through education while involving the practice and improvement of education in various areas of society.

Curriculum Overview       School of Education Course map of 4 years


