Pedagogical studies on teaching processes based on research on teaching content
People learn a lot at school. This research group focuses on the following topics regarding school education:
1. What is the overall purpose of learning at school? How does it contribute to character building?
2. What are the objectives and content of school subjects?
3. What are specific types of content and methods of classes in which learning nourishes the minds of students?
This research group has worked on the following topics in collaboration with not only other researchers at Hokkaido University and elsewhere but also practitioners.
(1) Teaching content and methods that help students develop scientific knowledge (how to structure lessons in natural sciences and other subjects)
(2) Teaching content and methods that help students develop language proficiency (how to structure lessons in Japanese language, English as a foreign language and other subjects)
(3) Teaching content and methods that help students develop an understanding of society (how to structure lessons in social studies, history, civics and other subjects)
This research group seeks to develop an empirical research method in teaching methodology through creation and assessment of experimental classes.