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Sport Education
Science of Health and Physical Education
Physical Eucation
Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Education, History of Physical Education
1999, B.A.: Hiroshima University (Faculty of Education)
2001, M.A.:Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
2006, Ph.D: Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
2004-2006, lecturer at Iwakuni Junior College
2006-2019, lecturer & Associate Professor at Hiroshima International University
2019-, Associate Professor at Hokkaido University
・School Physical Education in the earlier Period of post-World War II, Hirohisma: Keisuisya, 2009 [Japanese]
・History of Physical education and Sport , Hirohisma: Keisuisya, 2011[Japanese]
Journal Articles
・The Reception of Danish Gymnastics into the Imperial Japanese Navy and Its Dissemination out of the Navy. Japan Journal of the History of Physical Education and Sport, no.36, 2019, pp. 73-92.[Japanese]
・A study of Mitsuhashi Kikuo after the Asia-Pacific War: Based on the purge. Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, vol.62 no.1, 2017, pp. 275-278.[Japanese]
・School physical education policies at the end of the Asia-Pacific War: A study based on Ministry of Education circulars. Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, vol.61 no.2, 2016, pp. 729-742.[Japanese]
・Ahistorical Study of the Tokyo Paralympic Games(1964) in Television Broadcast: Focus on the images televised by Japan Broadcasting Corporation(NHK). The Japan Journal of Sport History, no.28, 2015, pp.71-83.[Japanese]
・A Study on the Planning Processes of “Physical Training(TAIREN)” in the National School Focusing on Conference Records of the Educational Council(1937.12-1938.12 ). Japan Journal of the History of Physical Education and Sport, no.32, 2015, pp.27-40.[Japanese]
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
Japanese Educational Research Association
The Japan Society Historical Studies of Education
The Japan Society of Sport History
North-eastern Asian Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
Japan Society of the History of Physical Education and Sport
Science of Health and Physical Education: Methodology of Physical Education
Seminar: Methodology of Physical Education
Sciences of Education: General Course, Health and Physical Education
In-Depth Studies on Physical Education: pedagogy of physical education
Teaching Method of School Subjects(Health and Physical Education Ⅰ・Ⅱ)