Hokkaido University Faculty of Education/Graduate School

Staff Profile

 YUNOKI, Takahiro


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Exercise Physiology

Undergraduate School Affiliation

Science of Health and Physical Education

Graduate School Affiliation

Health Education

Special field

Exercise Physiology

Research theme

Breathing during exercise

Research achievements

  1. Yunoki et al. (2023) Relationship between disturbances of CO2 homeostasis and force output characteristics during isometric knee extension. Respiratory physiology & Neurobiology, 315(104119), 2023.
  2. Waki and Yunoki et al. (2022) Effects of acute static stretching on exercise efficiency during high-intensity cycling exercise. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 62(10):1287-1293, 2022.
  3. Hatano and Yunoki et al. (2022) Enhancement of self-sustained muscle activity through external dead space ventilation appears to be associated with hypercapnia. Respiratory physiology & Neurobiology, 295(103777), 2022.
  4. Yunoki et al. (2016) Relationship between motor corticospinal excitability and ventilatory response during intense exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116:1117-1126.
  5. Yunoki (2012) Mental processes and breathing during exercise. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 1: 357-362.
  6. Yunoki et al. (2011): Ventilatory response to moderate incremental exercise performed after resistance exercise with concentric and eccentric contractions. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111:1769-1775.
  7. Yunoki et al. (2009): Effects of awareness of change in load on ventilatory response during moderate exercise. Respiratory physiology & Neurobiology, 169:69-73.