Through comparison - investigating the differences and similarities of educational characteristics and issues between one's own country and others, we can approach the 'essence' of education.
Special field
Comparative Education
Research theme
The ‘academic-vocational divide’ in the qualifications (examinations) system
Framework for international comparability which is able to bridge different types of academic ability
Developing new systems of selecting entrants using pluralistic evaluation methods
Detailed contents of research
Under the influence of the development of globalization, universities are urged to reform the existing institution and practice, among other things, of entrant admission and selection methods, and the frameworks that make it possible to enroll students from abroad as one of their top priorities. Another important issue that universities should work on is an advanced method of entrant selection which corresponds to the various types of abilities and qualities, e.g. competences and generic skills, while also implementing examinations based on plural evaluation, i.e. admission office entrance examinations. Further, in reflecting the diversification of universities in Japan, it is necessary to conduct research in which career and vocational education will be explored in regards to future reform of entrant selection systems.
I am addressing these issues mentioned above from the perspective of comparative education and from researching England’s policy and actual conditions, which are quite suggestive when analyzing the current situation and problems in Japan and considering improvement measures.
Simplified curriculum vitae
Ph. D. in Education, Kyushu University, August 2012
Coursework Completed Without Degree, Department of Education, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, August 2009
Associate Professor, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University, 2013 to present
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Kyushu University, 2010-2013
Research achievements
Iida, Naohiro (2013) ‘A case study of Work-based Learning at universities in England: Focusing on Higher Apprenticeship at Middlesex University’, Yoshimoto, Keiichi and Inenaga, Yuki (eds.) Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in tertiary education: The case of the United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia (Review in Higher Education No. 122 – Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University), pp. 65-81
Iida, Naohiro (2012) Examinations System, Japan Comparative Education Society (ed.), Encyclopedia of Comparative Education, Todhindo、pp. 194-195
Iida, Naohiro (2010) ‘Qualifications reform by the present Labour government in England’, Mochida, Kengo (ed.), Educational Reform and Educational Exchange in the 21st Century, Toshindo, pp. 69-81
Selected Articles:
Iida, Naohiro (2010) ‘A study of characteristics of the GCSEs in vocational subjects’, Comparative Study of Education and Culture, Vol. 10, pp. 19-34
Iida, Naohiro (2010) ‘The “academic-vocational divide” in the reform of England’s Qualifications System: A case study focused on academic achievement and regional characteristics’, Comparative Education (Bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society), No. 40, pp. 66-86
Iida, Naohiro (2009) ‘New trend in England’s vocational education with the introduction of the Diploma’, Bulletin of Kyushu Association of Education, Vol. 36, pp. 187-195
Iida, Naohiro (2009) ‘A study of the introduction of “controlled assessment” into the GCSE in England’, Comparative Study of Education and Culture, Vol. 9, pp. 73-82>
Iida, Naohiro (2009) ‘A study of the restructuring of the qualifications system in England: Focusing on the introduction of the Qualifications and Credit Framework’, Tobiume (Bulletin of Education Course Graduate School, Kyushu University), Vol. 9, pp. 33-47
Society Affiliation
Japan Comparative Education Society, Japanese Educational Research Association, The Japan Society for Educational System and Organization, The Japan Society of Educational Sociology, Comparative Education Society of Asia, Kyushu Association of Education
Classes in charge
Exploring and Practicing ‘Good Teaching’ (enacted in schools)