Hokkaido University Faculty of Education/Graduate School

Staff Profile

 IKEDA Keiko


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The Theory of Sport Culture
and History

Undergraduate School Affiliation

Science of Health and Physical Education

Graduate School Affiliation

Physical Education

Detailed contents of research

Her main monograph focuses on the pioneering British journalist, Pierce Egan (1774-1849) and how he developed sport as a distinctive area in journalism. Her research highlighted how sports journalism was shaped by the prevailing political culture of the Regency period in England. Particularly, she observed how early radicals of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century raised the idea of ‘British Liberty’, through the defence of popular sports and through the assertion of ‘what the people is’ and ‘what the rights of the people are’. During that time the origin of a sporting press become evident, which attracted a readership that was identified across the social spectrum. Thus, it was argued that the ideas of the early radicals and the birth of the study of sport in the twentieth century shared historical continuities. This argument was presented in papers by her entitled, “Political Analysis of the Historical Development of Sports Writing in Britain from the Early Radicals to the New Left”, as well as in “Sport, Politics and Business”. In addition to these studies on the history of British sport, her publications also include “The Body and Grass-roots Fascism during World War II: ‘the topos’ of the Emperor in a personal-body-mechanism in Japan.”, and the study of a national graveyard in Dublin and Boxing history: “Radicals and Sport: ‘Bully’s Acre’, John Egan and Pierce Egan’s Boxiana.”.


The history of sport in pre-Victorian Britain provides an interesting perspective of contemporary sporting activities as well as of such activities in the modern era. Interestingly, previous work on Pierce Egan was undertaken by a Canadian historical-sociologist and a New Zealander. This highlights how foreign academics can shed light on their subjects, and provide an insight into historical peculiarities, which indigenous academics generally missed out. This also applied to my work. Following my research into the history of British sport, I felt that there was a need for a comparative study with Japanese culture. Previous work generally argued, there was resistance to the dominant culture in Japan, and that the making of the Japanese nation state was a blend of this traditional Japanese cultural traditions as well as the influence of Western modernization.
Recent works on history of the ‘body’, ‘bodily culture’ and ‘sporting culture’ have revealed both hidden political ‘truths’ and identified ‘what we are’ which the other disciples of history such as political history have not been able to illustrate. In this sense, the history of sport can provide a lens into this process. In addition, it can also highlight cultural prejudices that extend beyond the realm of nationality or ethnicity and allowing a more comprehensive understanding of our society.

Simplified curriculum vitae

1989, B.A.: Nara Women’s University (Faculty of Letters)
1991, M.A.: Nara Women’s University (Faculty of Letters)
1995, Ph.D: Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women’s University
1999-2014, Associate Professor & Professor at Yamaguchi University (Faculty of Education)
2015-, Professor at Hokkaido University (Faculty of Education)

Research achievements


  • Pre-Victorian sport: Pierce Egan’s ‘Sporti
  • ng World’, Tokyo: Fumaido. Publishing Co., 1996 [Japanese]
  • Chap.1 “The Gentlemen Amateur and Sports: Its Myth and Reality in the nineteenth century Britain”, in: I. Aruga ed. Sports, vol 8 of Y.Mochida ed. The Quest for the Europe, Kyoto: Minervashobo, 2002. [Japanese]
  • “Questioning the horizon of the study for sport history” Kiichi Otagiri (executive) ed. Etsuko Mii & Keiko Ikeda eds., Performing our bodily symphony: its philosophical and historical appoaches., Tokyo: Sobunsya, 2007, pp.12-34. [Japanese]
  • “The Body from the Perspective of the Historical Phase in Society” Michael Chia and Jasson Chiang eds., Sport Science in the East: Issues, Reflections and Emergent Solutions, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore and USA, 2007, pp.219-230.[English]
  • “From Ryosaikenbo to Nadeshiko: Women and Sports in Japan”, in: Routledge handbook of sport, gender and sexuality edited by Jennifer Hargreaves and Eric Anderson, Routledge: London and New York, 2014, pp.97-105. [English]

[Journal Articles written in English only]

  • “Sport and Radicals in Pre-Victorian Society of Britain”, K.Szikora & G. Pfister eds., Sport and Politics, ISHPES STUDIES, Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Budapest, 2002, pp.290-294.[English]
  • “Traditional Sporting Fancy Made for Modern Sports Ethics: ‘Corinthian’, ‘Paul Pry’ and ‘Tom & Jerryism’”, G. Pfister ed., Games of the Past―Sports for the future? : Globalization, Diversification, Transformation, (ISHPES STUDIES vol.9), Sankt Augusitn, Academia Verlag, 2004, pp.134-138. [English]
  • “The Nature in Blood Sports in Pre-Victorian Britain.”, Jean-.Michel Delaplace, Sylvain Villaret, William Chameyrat eds., Sport and Naturein History,(ISHPES STUDIES vol.10), Sankt Augusitn, Academia Verlag, 2004, pp.275-278.[English]
  • “The Body and Japanese Fascism as an Asian Thought of Kurakichi Hirata, Tomaz Pavlin ed., Sport, Nation, Nationalism: Proceedings of 8th ISHPES Seminar and International Conference on Social Science and Sport, Ljubljana, 2006, pp.105-111.[English]
  • “The Body and Grass-roots Fascism during World War II: ‘the topos’ of the Emperor in a personal-body-mechanism in Japan.”, International Journal of Eastern Sports & Physical Education, vol.4 no.1, October 2006.10, pp. 91-103.[English]
  • “Political Analysis of the Historical Development of Sports Writing in Britain from the Early Radicals to the New Left,. International Journal of Eastern Sports & Physical Education, vol.4 no.1, October 2006.10, pp. 201-209.[English]
  • “ ‘Ryōsai-kembo’, ‘Liberal Education’ and Maternal Feminism under Fascism : Women and Sports in Modern Japan.”, The International Journal of the History of Sport (March 2010), pp.537-552. [English]
  • Radicals and Sport: ‘Bully’s Acre’, John Egan and Pierce Egan’s Boxiana.”People in sport history – sport history for people, Proceedings of the ISHPES Seminar, Tartu, Estonia 2008, Tartu: Estonian Sport Museum and ISHPES, 2011, pp.219-226. [English]
  • “British Cultural Influence and Japan: Elizabeth Phillips Hughes’s Visit for Educational Research in 1901-1902.” The International Journal of the History of Sport forthcoming. [English]

Society Affiliation

The Historical Research Section of Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
Japanese Society of Sport History(JSSH)
International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport(ISHPES)
British Society of Sport History (BSSH)

Classes in charge

Sport Culture etc.
